Monday, July 13, 2009

Where's Waldo?

What would you do if you found him?

Our team and our students have gotten into the habit of looking for Jesus in our daily lives. We have become Watchmen and Watchwomen (see Isaiah 62). We are always watching for him, asking him, "Where are you?" Sometimes we see him, sometimes we hear his voice, sometimes we get a picture in our minds eye. Often the sighting/answer is unexpected...

One young lady was having a particularly difficult week. As she was walking along, listening to her ipod (loud enough so that she couldn't hear her on thoughts) she began to sob. At a certain point she heard someone say, "look up!" When she looked up she saw Jesus, in the flesh, standing at the bus stop. In shock, she looked around and when she turned back to the bus stop he was gone.

At a our last event before school ended, two young ladies saw Jesus sitting on the stairs in the room and a young man saw angels in the room. That night was the highlights of the year as many young people asked for prayer and prayed for each other.

While at the Coldplay concert a few weeks ago I was enjoying my favorite song and singing at the top of my lungs. I asked Jesus where he was at that moment and I instantly heard, "In the front row" and was filled with a great sense of joy and awe.

One young man, saw Jesus in a nightmare he was having. When Jesus rescued him and took his place in the nightmare, he brook down and gave his life to him.

One young lady, who's been struggling with the break up of her family and mad at God for it, was walking in the park. She looked up and saw Jesus in the trees. He hugged her with the willow branches.

Just a reminder that Jesus can't be found in the tomb--he's alive not dead! Don't be surprised when stops by for a visit!


  1. wow, derian. Your blogs are encouraging because you're got stories of Jesus impacting people. I respect you guys so much!

  2. The other day our three year old said, "I see Jesus!" I asked him what he looked like and the reply was, "He looks like a rainbow right now."

    I love it.
